I created Person of Interest 2 because I believe that an innocent woman was wrongfully convicted of the murders of Michael Sisco and Karen Harkness, and that an alternate suspect was not thoroughly investigated by law enforcement officials.

The letter I sent to Ron Miller, the Chief of Police for the Topeka Police Department on February 20, 2012, (approximately two weeks before the trial began), is posted on the home page. This document outlines all the information I compiled about Jeffery A. Sutton, the son-in-law of murder victim Karen Harkness. It also contains hyperlinks to the exhibits that were included with the letter (A-Z). The spiral-bound compilation was originally titled [person of interest] II. Here is an excerpt from that letter:

Ever since my husband Keen and I learned that Jeffery A. Sutton’s mother-in-law was murdered, we have been unable to shake the feeling that he may have been involved in the death of Karen and Michael. Put simply – we know enough about Jeff Sutton to believe that he is capable of committing this crime, and we know too much about Jeff Sutton to remain silent.

In the spring of 2009, I compiled a book of information about Jeff Sutton titled [person of interest] and distributed it to several law enforcement agencies and individuals throughout the state. In the cover letter sent with this document, I stated:

Although I do not know who murdered Karen Harkness and Michael Sisco, by submitting the enclosed information I know that I have done everything in my power to inform members of law enforcement about the personal and criminal background of someone who not only had access to weapons and a history of violence and fraud, but was closely connected to Karen Harkness and stood to benefit from her death. That person is Jeffery A. Sutton. . . . I want to assure you that our reasons for becoming involved in this case have nothing to do with a grudge or vendetta – and everything to do with the pursuit of justice and truth.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional information that will help uncover the truth.

Vincit omnia veritas – Truth conquers all things.- Eileen Umbehr

Adding one thing to another to find an explanation.– Eccl. 7:27b

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